Sunday, May 26, 2013

Felix is now 9 weeks and 2 days and is growing by the day. God he's gorgeous!

He is smiling a lot now. And loves standing up while I hold him. He has been doing that since he was in my womb. We have had some visitors, like Monique. 

And Merissa came to stay for a night.

Had a birthday dinner for Juliet which was lovely.

It is Sunday, May 26 and tomorrow Felix will be 10 weeks old.

He is always and forever gorgeous and he smiles and almost laughs quite a lot. he has a serious side too and he has a temper. He uses his fists regularly to tell me he doesn't like to be swaddled, or to pummel my breasts when they aren't producing enough milk. He is a gentle and feisty soul. I like that.

On the breastfeeding not, I have now mastitis for the second time and I am over exhaustion and breast issues, having had thrush now twice and mastitis. On antibiotics again. Trying to be positive and believing I can carry on breastfeeding and we are both on probiotics.

People continue to send lovely gifts and Felix is surrounded by love, as am I. People also come and help us, like Michelle Fowler was here last night and gave me opportunities to sleep today. The sun shone and Felix lit up my heart.

He is in the 95th percentile for weight and the 75th for height.

I love you Felix!

Michelle has the touch.

Uncle Tim and Sue came to stay with mum and we had fish and chips. Uncle Tim was an angel with Felix.

I am not swadding Felix at the moment as he seems not to like it. Mmm work in progress as his arms fly everywhere without it! But he loves his musical mobile. He has been sleeping 3-6 hours stints but last night he did a four hour stint and then was up very often after that. Not sure if it's the lack of swaddle, my infection or what. We shall see...

Thanks Amy!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Felix is 8 weeks old

It is a busy life being a newborn and a new mum but it's hard to really understand why. I mean all we do is sleep, eat, and go about our day to day business.
Felix's sleep has slowly improved and he is now sleeping 4-5 hour stints at night quite reguarly. Last night he finally went down at 10pm after being up and down. He slept until 3am and then again from 3.30am until 6.30am....

He moved into his cot over the weekend so now it is easier for both of us to get more sleep. I can go to bed how and when I choose and don't hear every bubble and squeak and little Felix isn't woken by his mummy just for rolling over or having a bad dream.

Here he is in his cot:

Cousin Axel has been to stay and we went to Copenhagen bakery with him and MorMor for lunch.

Life is currently too busy and I am too tired to write a lot but I am going to try and update it each week to keep track of what we are up to and how Felix is progressing. Hopefully that way I can write more too. But what else have we been doing? We went for yum cha with pops and Lala:

Felix wasn't impressed with the dumplings.

We have had lots of people to visit, including Karin Dennison...

We have been to visit Aunty Ju and the cuzzies:

We have been to Plunket group, with 15 other mums and their babies. Will need to get photos next week if I can remember. We had Sonia from the antenatal class visit. But mainly we have been hanging at home and at MorMor's and going on walks...

Felix is learning to love his cot but we had to move the mobile as it was preventing him from sleeping!

I painted Felix a picture before he was born and he looks at it and smiles while having his nappy changed... I love that.

We had a coffee with Monique this week after a visit to the doctor to book Felix in for his vaccinations. Ouch!

Felix had a catnap at MorMor's last night...

He loves his MorMor...