Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Felix is 6 months and 1 week

Getting Felix to sleep is still a battle. The nights of no feeding only lasted 3 nights with me going in once to put on the white noise. Since then he has woken between 2-3 times so I feed him at least once.
I have battles in my head about it all because I feel like to be part of the 'made it' crowd I have to have Felix sleeping through the night and I have to leave him to cry himself to sleep - self soothing or not meeting his needs. I would rather not risk the latter still so I go for the comforting edge. Crying is a baby's only language and yes, there are different cries but even if he is not hungry he does want comfort and do I need to leave him to cry himself back to sleep? Some would say yes and some would say that that is showing them that you are not there for them. Yes, I know there are extremes of both ideas and balance is the key but it can be tricky.

I guess doing it my own adds another difficult dimension as I don't have anyone with me to go in and soothe him to sleep, or feed him with a bottle, or give me a lie down, or bring him to me for a feed while I lie in bed. I don't have anyone to soothe me into believing Felix will be ok whatever I do because I love him and care for him and want the best for him and have the best intentions. I don't have anyone like that. I wonder if I could ask someone to take him for a walk now and again so I can have some space. I was up all night last night and I am really shattered.
Enough of the poor me stuff.... I am going to have a lie down now that Felix is finally asleep for his afternoon nap. I love my life with my boy though xxx

Here is my angel:

He rolls on his side a lot but isn't really rolling over properly much.

He is super active under the mobile now!

But generally chilled and alert.

Loves hanging out with friends and whanau...

Wish I could find more time to write but I can only manage these little posts at the moment.
Love to all.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Felix is 6 months!

... Actually he will be 6 months in 2 days but near enough.

We have been cruising and Felix is more and more beautiful and full of personality.

And... for the last 2 nights he has gone from 7pm until 7am without a feed! This is a first so it seems very poignant that he is coming up 6 months. He only seems to wake once a night and I go in and turn the static on and he goes straight back to sleep. No crying. If there was crying I would take that as he wants food or comfort and I would feed him but it hasn't happened. woop woop.

He seems to consistently sleep for an hour and half in the morning and then one or two shorter sleeps in the arvo. Although this morning he didn't want to go to bed so after our open home I took him for a walk and he slept at least an hour and a half but then only had a short sleep this arvo.

All good.... Love love love him.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Felix is 24 weeks or 5 months and 2 weeks!

Felix is a sleep with the radio static on and it is 9am.

Last night was a good night. He went to sleep at 7pm and didn't feed again until 3am (and probably didn't even need it then but he wasn't going back to sleep and I decided to intervene. He had woken at 10pm as well but I went in and put the static on. He was awake and chatting to himself at 7am. I love my angel.
It was good, no crying in the night and only one short feed at 3am. Now that is progress seeing prior to that he has only done one 7 hour stint and that was months ago. He has been a very active night owl. I have never let him cry a lot but I am happy with that. I think tiredness has meant that lately I have left him a wee bit more, but not much.

We are going to Plunket today so will find out what he weighs and his height etc. On Monday Rita from Plunket came to Brigid's house in Idris Road and we had good chats about solids and sleeping.

Felix hasn't started on solids yet. I am putting it off; partly because I can't be bothered, Secondly, because he isn't asking for it as such. Thirdly because they say anywhere from 4 to 6 months and lastly, I am reading Baby-led weaning and I am keen for him to eat with me at all meals and have food put in front of him that he can play with and/or eat when he is ready and wants to. I will try it and see how it goes.

Here is my angel this morning in my bed:


This was him yesterday in my bed.... he is a happy little man with a big heart!

And he is in big boy pyjamas now...

God he is beautiful!

And he loves his MorMor...

Last week at his antenatal group he became very interested in books... I read to him quite a bit now. He is into Hairy Maclary and friends - a set of 6 gifted to him by my supervisor/psychosynthesis therapist.

He is getting more and more curious and alert...

AND I am curious to find out if he is still in the 95th percentile. Look at those thighs!
and that is just breastmilk...

If looks could melt butter on a frosty day....

He lies awake a lot chatting to himself these days. I love it.

 Right, 9.30am and I am off to have a shower... will continue later today with plunket findings...

Right.. it is 2.46pm and Felix is back in bed. He slept this morning for an hour, and then went to babytimes at the library and plunked this arvo. he managed a sleep in the car in between and I went to Copenhagen for a pie! And to visit MorMor in bed with a cold. We are down with yukky colds!
Felix is now 8.8kg and 67 cm long.
Janine could only find one testicle but it was up very high and she wasn't certain that she could feel it so has referred him to the GP and he pay have to have surgery when he is two to bring them down if they aren't retrievable. No son of mine is going to have no balls!
Until next time xxx