Wednesday, April 17, 2013

4 weeks old

Felix Tane Mcveigh was born on march 18, 2013 in Christchurch women's hospital. The pre-planned waterbirth was all going to plan up until Felix was coming down the birth canal, when the shit hit the fan, so to speak. There was dreaded meconium in the waters and hence, we had to exit the water. My hardcore pushing saw Felix' head emerge on several occassions. But it wasn't enough. They were concerned so women entered the room and the ventouse entered my very being. I can proudly say that I had no pain relief, other than gas in the pool but that doesn't seem like much given the week that followed saw Felix on antibiotics, with jaundice, with a tongue tie, on a bilibed and going through all sorts of pricks and procedures. And then me on antibiotics as part of placenta was found still to be inside almost a week after delivery. The string of midwives who all had conflicting ideas and diverse personalities sent me into a spin with my lack of sleep and whirlwind of emotion but Felix was already the love of my life. I'd like to remember that week as the week my angel entered the world.

Once we were home, life seemed to normalise somewhat, despite the lack of sleep and constant underlying anxiety that whispers 'IS he tired? Hungry? Please don't cry? Am I looking after his needs? Does he need to learn to self settle now? And by crying? Eek!' Since getting home we have had visitors; The Ellises, Vic Pankhurst, Clare Blyth, Monique Reekers. Michelle Fowler has stayed over a few nights and cooked and looked after Felix in the mornings. Neema and Ken pa have been here for Easter weekend and Lotta has been here for a few days. Felix and I have been to Akaroa with Neema and Kenpa and to the mall with Aunty Lotta. We have been on a few walks and two antenatal coffee groups, one which I hosted here. Today (Thursday April 18 we are having a chilled out time at home as yesterday was busy.) Plunket comes tomorrow...

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