Thursday, June 13, 2013

Felix - 12 weeks

 Felix is now 12 weeks and 5 days. Time goes too fast. But at the same time I would love for him to be sleeping all night and for me to be less tired. Trying to let all that go because I will probably miss the night feeds when they are gone and I am already slightly grieving the newborn phase. he is so big now. Last time plunket came he was in the 95th percentile for weight and the 75th for height. He is a lumpa lumpa now. In other words he has no need to feed all night. I might have to put him on a diet.

When people ask me about milestones I find it hard to say where Felix is at with things. We just hang out and he grows and laughs more and seems to become more alert. But I think I'd like to keep track of his progress starting now. So, let's see. 

Felix loves his hands and he often, if not nearly always, puts his hands in scrunched up prayer position and puts them in his mouth; sucking and chewing. Hard to know if he is hungry or not sometimes.

His sleeping patterns vary. Last night he slept from 8.30pm til 1am and then again from 2am til 5.30am. He did manage a 7 hour stint the other night for, I think, the first time. Often he'll do from 4-6 hours at first and then from 3-5 hours after that. During the day if he is out and about he'll sleep more, otherwise he might have about three 45 minute sleeps and a nap at around 5pm for 20 minutes. This always varies and I am going to keep track today and tonight and let you know tomorrow - I will keep track of feeds as well. Sometimes he feeds between 2-4 hours during the day but he might feed more regularly if we are going out and I want to feed him first or if he seems hungry or unusually grizzly. I just go with what feels right but with an abundance of 'knowledge' and advice under my belt it can be hard at times.

Felix still loves standing up! I'll have to get some photos of that! He has been doing that since Day One and even in the womb! He shakes and gets so happy and animated when he does it. I love that.

LAtely we have been to Akaroa to stay with pops and Lala.

Neema has come to stay for a night!

And Felix and I have hung out!

And hung out a bit with aunty Ju and cousin Fredrika and adoring Otto...

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